The weather has settled to a typical April one, still chilly, with sunshine and showers.
This morning's walk took us across the sunny fields, with definite signs of spring. We know that spring has arrived when blackthorn is in full flower.
This is an owl nesting box. Due to the decline of the traditional farming and many farm barns being converted to homes or holiday cottages, the barn owl's natural nesting places have disappeared.
Now the country people are being encouraged to put up owl nesting boxes, where possible.
If we are lucky, sometimes we can see this beautiful bird after dark, caught in the car headlights, as it glides gracefully across the fields.
The first flowers of the cuckoo flower or lady's smock; or as my grandmother called it - Tears of Virgin Mary.
You can also see more of this pretty spring flower here.
Our walk took us to the "secret pond", as I call it, as not many people know it is there.
The garden is also waking up, although a long way to go yet to looking full.
A crab apple tree, planted in the autumn, is now in full bloom.
And inside, this beautiful fuchsia blossom.
Have a wonderful week!