My oldest UFO.
Many, many, many years ago I bought my first needlepoint tapestry kit. I wasn't doing much of any stitching at the time and I had no particular interest in needlepoint, I just fell in love with the design.
And so I brought my kit home and started stitching. From the top. First BIG mistake, as I learnt later.
My stitching looked terrible, and I lost heart. My new and exiting project wasn't so exiting any more. It got pushed around various corners, in the end it ended up in a wooden trunk.
Now, to end up in the wooden trunk is the ultimate in our house. It means "unwanted, uncared for, unloved". The trunk gets very rarely inspected, after the trunk it is usually a jumble sale.
Then one day, in the middle of the Somerset countryside, I came across Jolly Red, a shop owned my Kelly Fletcher, a needlepoint heaven. I wrote about Jolly Red in my 31. December post, so I will not repeat.
My oldest UFO, my first ever needlepoint embroidery, finished, washed and stretching, waiting to dry.
It will probably live out its life as a part of a cushion cover, I have not decided yet, but I will let you know when I'll do!
Have a good weekend!