how is my garden?

We are having one the driest summers in many, many years and any occasional rain just doesn't make any difference.
Some plants seem to take it in their stride, but parts of our garden are now suffering and we are even watering some shrubs just to keep them alive, which we have never done before.
We would hate to loose any of the hybrid azaleas, they give us so much pleasure in the spring, they seem to be the most affected.

Hydrangeas too are taking it badly. This is  hydrangea Annabelle, last year's blooms were double the size they are now.

But at least it has some flowers, some of the other hydrangeas struggle to have any flowers at all.

Some shrubs seem to love the dry conditions. The hibiscus was moved to his new position last year and
and it is doing well in the new place.

This is clematis Polish Spirit. It is one of the best, it comes back every year, covered in masses of flowers, and this year it is the same.

There is always the conservatory, where the geraniums are doing very well and give a lot of colour.

                                                 Also the hoya loves it here.