
I am little bit in a stitching limbo at the moment. I haven't anything new to show, although I have decided to resurrect my largest UFO, but I will show that later.

So, in the meantime I will show you a couple of books.

The first one only just arrived, "Quilt Artistry" by Yoshiko Jinzenji. I saw it on Deborah's blog (thank you, Deborah, for sharing this). I want to find some time this weekend to read it, but just browsing through I am taken by the beauty of Yoshiko's quilts and the subtle colours she works with.

The second book, "Croatian National Costumes", has been on my bookshelf for some years now. I bought it during one of my visits to Croatia. Written in both Croatian and English, it is a beautiful book, a real treasure. It is a visual feast and an inspiration for anyone interested in embroidery and folk art. Croatian culture is very diverse, with many influences, from surrounding countries of the former Austro-Hungarian  Empire, the old Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and over the centuries all this has been reflected in their national costumes.
I will show just a few pictures, but you can find more pictures here.

I have yet to find a similar book from a country of my origin. So, any Czech bloggers out there, if you'll come across one, please let me know.  We also have a very rich history and I would love to own a similar book about Czech national costumes.

The art in which there is life does not depict the past, but continues it.
(Auguste Rodin)