when a quilt is a cushion

I thought I should try to reduce my stash of fabric, so some time ago I decided to make a quilt, using stash fabrics only.

So far so good.

By the time I was stitching the 5th block, I lost interest.
Another UFO?

Well, there never seem to be enough cushions. So 4 blocks became a cushion. It was also a good place to practice some embroidery stitches. 

I am yet to decide what to do with block no 5. Any ideas?

In the meantime, our weather has returned to normal for the season and we are at last having enough rain. We even had some large hailstones over the weekend. Everywhere is looking green and lush ( including the weeds! ).

I have taken a few more pictures in the garden.

This little fuchsia was pruned hard last autumn and was overwintering indoors. Now it just could not wait to produce a flower. A dancing fairy!