September Sunday

Despite the heavy rain all night, we went for our early morning walk in the forest, as we do most weekends. It was very wet and slippery, but the smell and the freshness of the forest in the morning blows the cobwebs away.
No luck with mushrooms today. We had a couple of very cold nights during the week and that combined with lots of rain, the little we did find was well "past the sell by date".

With the changing colours, the forest has a definite autumn feeling about it.

Our walk takes us past the AlfredsTower, looking quite spooky in the morning mist,

and the Convent, which is now a private property, hidden deep in the forest, behind high hedges and therefore I have to "borrow" this picture. It has a very much the look of Hansel and Gretel.

There are many beautiful trees in this forest, like this  Douglas Fir, so tall I can't take a picture of the whole tree! 

Damp and hungry, we returned home, to our weekend treat, a breakfast of bacon and eggs, and a large pot of fresh coffee.

Later I made a plum and almond flan, using up the last of our plums.

Last week was a busy one for me, so I haven't done much stitching, but I did get on with my knitting, mainly in the evenings.

Downton Abbey returns to our television screens tonight, in the new, 8 part series.
Apparently, while away, Matthew has got engaged, but NOT to Lady Mary!?!
There is not going to be very much of counting stitches in the front of the television tonight!